PPC, SEO, SMS, CMS, CRM, Blogging, E-zines, Postings

Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimisation, Short Messaging Service, Content Management Systems, Customer Relationship Management etc.

These words are just a representation of some of the tools we as internet marketers use.  Its a bit like going to see a builder about building your house.  If the builder kept rabbiting on about the tools she uses to build the house without even asking you what you wanted then you would probably find a new builder.  Your outcome is the first thing you should be talking about.  Some businesses want a sale right away, others want leads, some want to build databases and so on.  It is important to be clear as a conversion is not always a sale. You may have minor conversions before that sale, such as someone signing on to your newsletter or an increase in likes and interaction on your social media platform.

A good internet marketer will let you know what is realistic.  If you get a phone call with someone telling you they guarantee page one on Google within a week, run for the hills.  If you and your internet marketer has set outcomes before you start and those outcomes are met in the given time frame then it is a win win situation.

So even though we use all these tools, that is all they are, we believe it is the outcome and results that we strive for.

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