Google search is simply a tool that your customers use and can make you $’000’s

  1. Paid Per Click (PPC) is the ads you see at the top of Google and the right hand side.


Your business can get to the top of Google almost immediately
Headlines and words can be created to attract the clients click. E.g. Plumber Perth $50 Off
You can direct the customer to the exact page you want to increase conversions. Landing pages are great in this situation
You can target the location of the clients. E.g. If you would just like to show these ads to people living within 10km of Perth city
You can pick what days and the time of day you would like the ad to appear
You can have your ad show on particular “key phrases” that your clients type into Google. Google will even tell you what people are typing in


Once your budget runs out you are no longer seen. This can happen at 9am in the morning and you won’t be shown again unless you increase your budget.
Research has shown that only 11% of people click on the ads. This is also supported by our clients reports who we manage PPC.
PPC can be complicated, like anything it takes a bit of learning and there are so many options and variances that need to be taken into consideration. i.e. Negative keywords, quality score, manual bids, auto bidding and conversion tracking to name a few.

2. Organic Listings. The listings you see under the top ads are what’s termed “organic” or “natural” listings.  The reason why Google is such a great tool is due to the fact the result is the most relevant and there are choices.


You can be clicked on all day long and you won’t disappear.
89% of consumers click on the organic rankings.
You do not pay every time someone clicks on your website.
Traffic and leads coming through your organic rankings increase the value of your business.


It can take months for your business to achieve good rankings.
Its not always possible to have the heading you want and be directed to the page you want your clients to go to.
It takes a lot of work to get rankings and if unethical methods are used to get you ranking you can be wiped of Google altogether.

Yes I may be biased because I live and breathe Google, but just think do you or any of your customers use Google?  If Yes then consider an internet marketing plan. 

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